Download space colony game
Download space colony game

The story, which involves being abandoned on a hostile planet, is more fun than serious, and helps to introduce the various technologies you'll need.

download space colony game

and will give you a firm grasp of what's possible during the Sandbox and Mission modes. Campaign lets you explore the workings of Space Colony - how to manage relationships, basic base design, industry and commerce, keeping the base supplied with sufficient oxygen and electricity, etc. After a trip through the skeletal tutorial, the Campaign mode starts you on baby-steps and ramps up the difficulty as your goals become more varied and your colonists more numerous. And that's probably the order you should play Space Colony. There are three main modes of play: Campaign, Mission, and Sandbox. You have to manage relationships at a mostly basic level and keep those under your command educated, clean, and rested, but you also have to deal with larger issues that affect the whole colony. Space Colony does play slightly like The Sims. As the key to success is in keeping the crew happy, there is long-term value in buildings such as meditation chambers and discotheques, which allow characters to appease their more recreational wants and needs.

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Basics like power and life-support are important from the start, but other facilities soon become highly desired as well. In a theme reminiscent of Mucky Foot's Startopia, players develop a deep space home for the diverse crew, one building at a time. Space Colony features over 100 different buildings. Venus is joined by such other distinct individuals as a burly biker, a French debutante, a retired athlete, a valley girl, and an old man who constantly quotes Chinese philosophy. The crew is led by Venus Jones, an ambitious 23-year-old adventurer who plans to retire by the time she turns 25.

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The personalities and desires of each of the 20 crewmember characters are all quite different, so keeping the whole group happy requires a strategic sense of balance. Each character has different strengths and abilities that could prove crucial to the colony's success, but they all must be kept happy, or at least satisfied, if they're to use these skills for the good of the community. Players manage a rag-tag crew of space-farers who have set out to form a new colony. Space Colony combines character management and city building in a light-hearted science-fiction setting.

Download space colony game